Ahh, the Sunday morning paper...leisurely coffee, birds singing outside...
and in the "Vamos" (weekly Sunday travel) section, the editors decided to publish various 'fishing' photos sent in by readers...and one of them was this one:

I thought of it as more of a 'sunset' photo
with a scenically incidental inclusion of an angler
being circled by some seagulls...
So, fun to be 'published' again...
Saw my third rattlesnake-in-the-wild the other morning, going for my morning run.
It was stretched-out, pole-straight and sluggish across the trail...
A cottontail rabbit hopped by, oblivious...
and finally after the serpent inched its way back into creosote underbrush,
I continued on my way, giving it wide berth...
My mother was here visiting--left a few days ago...seriously considering becoming a Tucsonan herself...perhaps in a year or two...while she was here, I finally (re)learned how to make some Korean dishes...interesting to look at Tucson again through the eyes of a potential resident (and through the lens of real-estate)...and gustatorily nostalgic to reconnect with foods of childhood...
congrats on the photo publication. It's a great choice!