It's the night before the first-day-of-the-new-school-year...
A couple of local editorials for you:
People often forget that public school is a vast social experiment--still relatively 'new'--just a century or so, compared to millenia of civilization--let's take all our children, isolate them from all other contact for most of the day, most of the year, for most of their youth, and see what happens...
...well, peer pressure, for one thing, happens...and youth alienation...
(People want schools to somehow be a miracle, to make up for all the of the other failings in society...and then the public blames schools constantly; it becomes a national pastime...)
Ready? Bright and early tomorrow...

Ahh, some 'zen' for the youtube era.
And some thought-provoking links:
here's a link to an article about the 'mindset' of incoming freshmen (college)
and here's another link about the same subject.
Talk about a generation gap...
Hope your first week is going well!