Monday, February 15, 2010

Monday surprise...

One of my colleagues at work has kindly made a point of noticing when my photographs get published in the local paper; this morning she said she enjoyed seeing 'another one' of my photos published a couple of days ago...I didn't know what she was referring to--I hadn't seen it! ...She said it was in last Thursday's paper, so I was able to track it down:

reflection in Sabino Canyon from last winter
(click here for the newspaper site)
Another cheap published thrill!


Right now, my wife and I are on the Internet (me: laptop, her: netbook), 'working' during the TV commercial breaks while watching the Winter Olympics. Downhill skiing!! Pairs figure-skating finals!! Quite a bit of Pacific-NW nostalgia, as we see the Vancouver panoramas in between the sporting events...

(Wait--does this sound 'dysfunctional'--that we're both on line, but separately? AND that we're watching TV too?...We are talking...we went for a lovely late-afternoon walk in Sabino Canyon...had home-made food for dinner...Speaking of 'home-made'--lots of that in our lives right now; no restaurant-outings, as Sara was laid off just over a week ago. Yep--with one-day's notice, the clinic where she was working closed! Fun times. So, new adventures for her--applying for unemployment for the first time...At least we have good winter weather to go with her job-hunting, eh?)


Not surprising perhaps, but so many of my students know so little about the Winter Olympics. This IS Tucson, I suppose, but still...
Today I heard, "So, are the Winter Olympics always held in Vancouver?"
And: "How often do they have the Olympics?"
And, most did not know that the modern Olympics are exactly that--'modern,' 
 as in a revival of the ancient Greek games.
 'They had Olympics in ancient Greece?'

Popular-culture 'trivia' that I take for granted
as 'general knowledge'...not so 'general,' it appears.

A few more Sabino canyon reflections, from recent walks:

...and an afternoon panorama:

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